Let Our Children Go w/ Special Guests: CPS Targeted Parents - Jamie & Jacklyn Davidson
Let Our Children Go w/ Special Guests: CPS Targeted Parents - Jamie & Jacklyn Davidson

Jamie and Jacklyn Davidson are loving parents of six beautiful children and are both military veterans.

Jamie received a Purple Heart for his service and Jacklyn is a former volunteer Court Appointed Special advocate.

On October 5, 2022, Child Protective Services removed all six of the Davidson's children from their home.

A family court judge ordered the children back into the custody of their parents on November 1, 2022.

However, CPS was not finished with their pursuit of the Davidson children!

On November 30, 2022, a priority one report was handed to the court and the judge removed their children again!

The children have now been in the custody of CPS since December 3, 2022.

Egregious violations of the Davidson's Constitutional rights have been thrust upon them and evidence of innocence is being suppressed.

San Antonio, Tx Attorney Derek Ritchie is representing Jamie and Jacklyn and is pursuing a legal path to reunification.