Unicoin: New International CBDC; French Protest Macron’s Unpopular Reforms World News 4/16/23
Unicoin: New International CBDC; French Protest Macron’s Unpopular Reforms World News 4/16/23

Unicoin: New International CBDC & The French Protest Macron’s Unpopular Reforms Weekly World News Report- The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” (CBDC) that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies.

It's being touted as "Crypto 2.0" but buyer beware.

Also, gaffe-prone Biden embarrasses Americans and snubs Brits on his trip to Ireland, at one point the ice cream lover tells his Irish audience "Let's go lick the world." The French have taken to the streets once again as Emmanuel Macron has defied the will of the people; France’s Conseil Constitutionnel upholds Macron’s retirement-age increase.

All of that and much more ahead!