Study Reveals Humans May Not Be Able to Distinguish Between Real and AI-Generated Faces
Study Reveals Humans May Not Be Able to Distinguish Between Real and AI-Generated Faces

Study Reveals Humans , May Not Be Able to Distinguish , Between Real and AI-Generated Faces.

PsyPost reports that new research was aimed at determining how well the human brain can detect AI-generated deepfake images.


The teams' findings, published in 'Vision Research,' suggest that the brain can distinguish subconsciously distinguish between some deepfakes and real images.

The teams' findings, published in 'Vision Research,' suggest that the brain can distinguish subconsciously distinguish between some deepfakes and real images.

Throughout history, humans have been regarded as the benchmark for face detection.

We have consistently outperformed computers in recognizing and classifying faces (although this is changing), Mic Moshel, Study author & a PhD candidate in clinical neuropsychology at Macquarie University, via PsyPost.

Throughout history, humans have been regarded as the benchmark for face detection.

We have consistently outperformed computers in recognizing and classifying faces (although this is changing), Mic Moshel, Study author & a PhD candidate in clinical neuropsychology at Macquarie University, via PsyPost.

However, the emergence of AI has presented a significant challenge in reliably determining whether a face is artificially generated.

, Mic Moshel, Study author & a PhD candidate in clinical neuropsychology at Macquarie University, via PsyPost.

Intrigued by this development, we sought to investigate how humans respond to hyper-realistic AI-generated faces, specifically exploring the ability to differentiate between real and fake, Mic Moshel, Study author & a PhD candidate in clinical neuropsychology at Macquarie University, via PsyPost.

PsyPost reports that researchers used neural networks called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANS) to generate images of faces and everyday items. EEG data was reportedly used to analyze the brain's response to real and fake images.

Our findings revealed that individuals can potentially recognize AI-generated faces given only a brief glance.

, Mic Moshel, Study author & a PhD candidate in clinical neuropsychology at Macquarie University, via PsyPost.

Nevertheless, distinguishing genuine faces from AI-generated ones proves to be more challenging.

Surprisingly, people frequently exhibit the tendency to mistakenly perceive AI-generated faces as more authentic than real faces, Mic Moshel, Study author & a PhD candidate in clinical neuropsychology at Macquarie University, via PsyPost.

PsyPost reports that the team's findings could have implications for cybersecurity, counterfeiting, border security and spreading misinformation.