Rising Number of Pedestrian Deaths Signals Alarming Trend
Rising Number of Pedestrian Deaths Signals Alarming Trend

Rising Number of , Pedestrian Deaths, Signals Alarming Trend.

NBC reports that in 2020, the United States had the highest number of pedestrian fatalities in nearly 40 years.

NBC reports that in 2020, the United States had the highest number of pedestrian fatalities in nearly 40 years.

According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, pedestrian deaths have skyrocketed by 77% since 2010.

The report found that approximately 20 people in the U.S. die every day while walking in the street.

According to road safety experts, several factors have contributed to the alarming trend.

Those factors include an increase in reckless driving since the pandemic, more large vehicles on the road and infrastructure not suited to pedestrians.

It has been getting worse every year.

We’ve focused so much on making vehicles safer for the people inside, but we’ve sort of lost track of what we are doing for the folks outside vehicles to really address their safety, Pam Shadel Fischer, Senior director of external engagement at the Governors Highway Safety Association, via NBC.

NBC reports that the pandemic saw an increase in recklessness like speeding and texting while driving.

In 2021, the report found that drivers were speeding in 8% of pedestrian deaths.

According to a Traffic Safety Administration report, 3,522 people were killed by distracted drivers in 2021.

The GHSA report also found that 69% of pedestrian fatalities occurred on roads that lacked sidewalks in 2021, pointing to outdated infrastructure unfit for increasing suburban populations