How well does Signalis wear its Survival Horror influences on its sleeve?
How well does Signalis wear its Survival Horror influences on its sleeve?

New month, New game, same Scream, fresh Stream.

Salutations to my Soul Survivors to the 30th Mind Games Scream Stream.

We have this pixel art title, always a favorite on the platform, of #Signalis, a game that debuted in 2022 and now makes its ways here for your viewing displeasure.

We're lost in space and have plenty of time to kill.

As your Control Freak, Inkarnate, I have been tasked with scouring an alien planet I've crashlanded on, solving a cosmic mystery and fighting off terrifying monstrosities.

This game takes inspiration from the Survival Horror greats of Resident Evil and Silent Hill.

What we're in for is puzzle solving, radio signals, inventory management, and scarce ammo, all the staples of the genre.

We've got fight or flight on our hands so buckle up because we're spacebound all September long.