Shucking WD Easystore Drives (a DataHoarder favorite) - 1000 Sub Special #1 - Jody Bruchon Tech
Shucking WD Easystore Drives (a DataHoarder favorite) - 1000 Sub Special #1 - Jody Bruchon Tech

The WD Easystore at Best Buy is notorious among the DataHoarder subreddit for being the best way to get high-capacity desktop hard drives that cost the lowest price per TB of storage.

Unfortunately, while they'll often post about sales on the drives and advise you to shuck them (remove the enclosure to use the drive inside as an internal drive instead), tutorials on how to actually get these plastic monsters apart are not always so easy to come by...and since I needed to do some server shuffling, I decided to shuck all three of them on camera to help you out.