Desperate DNC War Room D-Bags Pulling Dirty Tricks Like Deceptively Editing Video Of Lara Trump
Desperate DNC War Room D-Bags Pulling Dirty Tricks Like Deceptively Editing Video Of Lara Trump

DNC War Room D-Bags Must Be Desperate if They're Already Pulling Dirty Tricks Like THIS With Lara Trump: At this point after spending decades being interested in politics and nearly a decade actually writing about it for a living you'd think nothing from the Left would surprise me.

NO amount of dishonesty would be shocking because surely by now I've seen it all.

Except apparently, that's not true.

I should know better than to expect Democrats to be honest about … well, anything.

But to deliberately cut Lara Trump's speech about being an RNC co-chair off to make it sound like she's just in it to fund Trump's campaign is low, even for them.

-- DNC War Room @DNCWarRoom: “Lara Trump: When I become co-Chair of the Republican Party, I will make sure that every penny of every dollar donated to the RNC is going to Trump's campaign.”