Coffee with Samso: A giant copper-gold porphyry story, Chile

Coffee with Samso: A giant copper-gold porphyry story, Chile

Proactive Investors


The land of giant porphyry deposits is one that is hard to visualise when you have not worked in that particular style of geology. Most Australian geologists will never work in that environment. However, I will not be surprised to be challenged for stating that as I have only worked in two states of Australia. Porphyry copper-gold deposits are frequently found in the Andes of South America, especially in Chile. Christian Easterday, the managing director of Hot Chili Limited (ASX:HCH), has been working in that area for over 10 years and this is why the company potentially has one of the largest porphyry deposits discovered in recent times. This is a classic David and Goliath story of a small-cap company on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) with a market capitalisation of A$40 million, with a project that respectfully should be developed by a Tier-1 company with a market capitalisation of billions. The discovery last year of a massive intercept of 622 metres of 0.6% copper and 0.2 g/t gold is testament to what this project should become in future. The repetition of such great mineralisation drill results supports the excitement that Christian portrays in the conversation that lasted for over 48 minutes. Watch how Christian dissects the journey of the company and what is in store for a more significant story. Samso is primarily a consulting company that delivers digital information to the market in terms of creating organic content. Samso simplifies your story to customers or investors. Samso creates organic content for you to engage your audience and BRAND yourself to them. Samso provides bespoke research and presentation for clients to engage their customers or investors. Organic content allows audiences to feel a real sense of sincerity when you share your business strategy, allowing your business to stand out among the sea of social media traffic. Working with Proactive Group allows exposing our insights to over 1.2 million monthly unique views internationally. Samso has nearly 30 years of experience in developing business ideas and concepts in the Australasian region. Samso has worked primarily in the mineral resources industry, capital markets and corporate finance. Noel Ong is the founder of SAMSO.

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