HealthLynked expands its women's healthcare services and plans launch of telemedicine service

HealthLynked expands its women's healthcare services and plans launch of telemedicine service

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HealthLynked Corp (OTCQB:HLYK) announced Wednesday that it has expanded its women's healthcare services.  In a statement, the company said it has added two new healthcare providers, updated its women's healthcare app Oohvie, and plans to launch its own telemedicine service in March 2021.  HealthLynked added the two providers to the clinical staff in preparation for the expansion of its women's healthcare services -- Dr Charles Adamczyk and Deanna Hobby, a nurse practitioner.  READ: HealthLynked sees 3Q revenue rise by 74% driven by expanding patient service revenue Dr Adamczyk was a clinical associate from 2006 to 2020 at the University of Chicago and clinical instructor at the University of Illinois, Chicago from 2010 to 2020. Hobby, ARNP, has over 20 years of experience in women's healthcare and specializes in well-woman exams, contraceptive, and menopausal management. In October 2020, HealthLynked launched its proprietary women's healthcare menstrual tracking app, Oohvie. HealthLynked has been developing innovative ways to improve healthcare for women around the world. A key indicator of a woman's health is the frequency and quality of her menstrual cycle. Keeping track of a woman's menstrual cycle along with the other key healthcare metrics can detect early signs of a wide range of medical conditions.  The company said the updated Oohvie app features redesigned private chat and women's healthcare forums that are visually engaging and more intuitive to use and allow members to easily connect and privately share valuable healthcare insights.  The app also is integrated with the core HealthLynked Network so menstrual data can be shared with the healthcare providers they choose. A new healthcare metrics page provides a summary of prior months' cycle length, menstruation, and symptoms throughout the course of each month. Telemedicine service Naples, Florida-based HealthLynked plans to launch its own telemedicine service in March and it will initially focus on women's health services.  Women often seek medical care for recurring problems such as yeast infections, vaginal discharge, irregular menstrual cycles, birth control, painful periods, and abdominal pain. Healthcare providers can more effectively monitor and manage these conditions through HealthLynked Telemedicine using patient-specific information available from Oohvie and the HealthLynked Network. "There has not been a focus on women's telemedicine services and there is a large unmet need to provide this service to women,” said CEO Dr Michael Dent. “Many healthcare issues that women face can be managed via telemedicine visits and our technology allows for the efficient exchange of information to assure healthcare providers have the information they need to effectively diagnose and treat patients using our services." Dent added: “HealthLynked Telemedicine will service our patient members in Florida and we expect to rapidly expand to other areas to provide a comprehensive service offering to women including direct to consumer labs, birth control, prescription services and routine screening." Contact the author: Follow him on Twitter @PatrickMGraham

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