They worked for years in Libya. Now an Egyptian village mourns scores of its men killed in flooding

They worked for years in Libya. Now an Egyptian village mourns scores of its men killed in flooding


An Egyptian village is mourning dozens of its men killed in the horrific floodwaters that tore through the city of Derna in neighboring Libya. At least 74 bodies were brought back earlier this week and buried in the small farming community of Nazlet el-Sharif along the Nile River, south of Cairo. Dozens of others remain missing after Libya's deluge caused by the Mediterranean storm Daniel. In Derna, heavy rainfall on Sunday night led two dams in the mountains above the city to burst, sending a wall of water that wreaked destruction and swept entire neighborhoods out to sea. More than 11,300 people were killed — including scores of Egyptians who had lived and worked in Derna for years.

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