Apple updates MagSafe support with medical device warning

Apple updates MagSafe support with medical device warning



Apple has updated a support document warning iPhone users that MagSafe could potentially interfere with pacemakers, defibrillators, and other medical implants that could be affected by magnets.

The magnets within the iPhone 12 series and MagSafe accessories are meant to align the wireless charging coils, as well as to keep accessories affixed to the back of the iPhone itself. While the magnets may not be strong to cause noticeable issues for regular users, people with medical conditions requiring specialized equipment may encounter problems if their iPhone gets too close.In an update to a support page about the magnets used for MagSafe, Apple added language that warns medical devices including implanted pacemakers and defibrillators "might contain sensors that respond to magnets and radios when in close contact." Apple doesn't explain what could happen in such cases, but the worst circumstance could be the deactivation of a medical device and a user's potential death.


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