German government wants Tim Cook to reconsider CSAM plans

German government wants Tim Cook to reconsider CSAM plans



The German parliament is wading into the Apple CSAM debate, with a Digital Agenda committee chief writing to Apple CEO Tim Cook to express concerns about mass surveillance.

Apple's CSAM scanning system continues to draw criticism over its existence, largely at a misinterpretation as to what the system does and is capable of doing. The criticism has now reached the German Bundestag, the national parliament, which is now stepping into the affair.A letter sent by Digital Agenda committee chairman Manuel Hoferlin claims Apple is treading a "dangerous path" and is undermining "secure and confidential communication," according to Heise Online. The letter to Cook urges Apple to not implement the system, both to protect society's data, and to avoid "foreseeable problems" for the company itself.


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