Apple Seeds macOS Monterey 12.2 Release Candidate to Developers

Apple Seeds macOS Monterey 12.2 Release Candidate to Developers


Apple today seeded the release candidate version of an upcoming macOS Monterey 12.2 update to developers for testing purposes, with the new software coming one week the second beta and more than a month after the release of macOS Monterey 12.1.
Registered developers can download the beta through the Apple Developer Center and after the appropriate profile is installed, betas will be available through the Software Update mechanism in System Preferences. Apple has also released a macOS 11.6.3 release candidate version for Big Sur users.

We don't yet know what's included in ‌macOS Monterey‌ 12.2, and no new features were found in the first beta. We'll update this article should anything new come up in the second beta.

As of now, there's one major feature that Apple has yet to add to ‌macOS Monterey‌ -- Universal Control. Universal Control is designed to allow a single mouse and trackpad to be used with multiple Macs and iPads, and Apple has said it will be launching this spring.

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