Influences: Nick Mulvey



The sounds that inspired his new album...

*Nick Mulvey* is one of the most fascinating songwriters at work in British music right now.

A founding member of left-field combination Portico Quartet, he departed to pursue solo passions in 2011, with the subsequent decade producing some sterling projects.

Constantly seeking out fresh challenges, his third album 'New Mythology' was laid down in Paris, following sessions with renowned producer Renaud Letang.

Out now, it's a nimble return, leaping precociously from idea to idea, bound by a soulful sense of connection.

Celebrating the release of the album with a sold out show at London's KOKO, Nick Mulvey now turns his sights on the festival season.

Ahead of this, Clash links with Nick Mulvey to discuss his Influences.

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*Brian Eno - 'Just Another Day On Earth'*

Eno gets it. Says me and every other artist / person, I know, but... he does. He is an inspiration in these times not only for all his culture shaping creations and ideas over the decades but because he is acting with the appropriate urgency these times are demanding. He is awake.

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*Sault - 'Wildfires'*

How to sing about social justice in these times? Here’s how.

By coming from such personal depths - and writing such good music- that my heart breaks and my resolution, deepens.

Yes Sault, thank you.

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*Kae Tempest - 'More Pressure / Grace'*

Kae performed these two tracks b2b on Jimmy Fallen a few months ago and I’m still electrified. The truth they speak…! It’s wild and it just pierces more, somehow.

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*Fimba Brava - 'You Can't Control Me'*

I took a break from recording the album and went to see this artist perform with members of Hot Chip at the Church of Sound in east London. Perfect nourishment mid-album, and I love how a single simple line- when it’s the right sentiment- can be all that a track needs. Inspiration for me for the music I wanna make next.

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*Wild Beasts - 'Mecca'*

I’m honoured to *cover this song on my new album.* I’ve loved it for years and always felt it’s underrated. The lyrics remind of devotional Sufi verse like Rumi and Hafiz and when I tuned into them, and learnt the song on the guitar I felt like I could sing it, simplify the music a little and bring the words out. Thanks Hayden and gang.

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'New Mythology' is out now. Catch Nick Mulvey at Glastonbury Festival on June 24th.

Photo Credit: *Katie Silvester*

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