Thor: Ragnarok’s Taika Waititi Explains How ‘Immigrant Song’ Helped Him Nail The Movie’s Tone



Thor: Ragnarok quickly tore down what moviegoers thought they knew about the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of the God of Thunder. Director Taika Waititi injected action, humor and heart into the third installment, something that was some would argue was missed in the first two films. Of course, one of the film’s key moments occurred during the third act in which Thor unlocks his true power and takes down a horde of villains to Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song.” Now, Waititi has revealed that the classic tune did more for the film beyond that epic moment. While pitching his take on Thor: Ragnarok to Marvel Studios, Taika Waititi apparently played “Immigrant Song” over a sizzle reel that...

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