WHO tries to bolster fragile funding with new foundation CEO

WHO tries to bolster fragile funding with new foundation CEO



PARIS (AP) — Hoping to strengthen its funding, the World Health Organization is appointing a CEO to a foundation intended to bring in more private donations, which should leave the global health body less vulnerable if a country withdraws or cuts funding as the United States did.

Anil Soni will join the new WHO Foundation in January after eight years with the multinational pharmaceutical Viatris.

This year’s global coronavirus pandemic, as well as the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the world health body, has exposed WHO’s fragile funding base. The organization relies largely upon voluntary contributions from member nations as well as a handful of large foundations. That has left it open to criticism that it’s vulnerable to outside influence at the expense of global health priorities.

In an interview with The Associated Press ahead of the WHO Foundation announcement, Soni said his priority is to seek out corporate and individual donations. He said the foundation will ultimately assume control of the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, which has raised $238 million so far.

“Part of what I’m doing and bringing to the foundation is the orientation of the private sector, which can and must do more to ensure equitable and speedy access to new technologies all around the world,” said Soni, who is American.

Soni has also been a senior advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which this year was the second-largest contributor to WHO's budget after Germany. Although U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has said he wants the U.S. to to rejoin WHO after he takes office in January, Soni said the experience showed that the global body needs more flexibility in raising money.

“For many years, WHO has just been a vessel for big money, either from big...

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