Bollywood actor Vinod Dulganch is all set for his second film titled *Tijju Bhai* in which he is playing the title role. The actor will be seen fighting for crime against female and punishing rapist in his own way, giving a strong message to the society. The teaser of this Vinod Dulganchs action thriller film Tijju Bhai, was released recently on the official YouTube channel of V&V Entertainment aka Desi Bull.
*Poster of Tijju Bhai*
Tijju Bhai will be released in cinemas across the country on October 29th. Produced under the banner of V&V Entertainment, Tijju Bhai is directed by Pawan Pratap Singh. Apart from Vinod Dulganch, Raza Murad, Pawan Raj, Kirti Kumar aka Satta, Sagar Sharma will be seen in this film.
This romantic action film has been shot in Haryana. The film also has three situational songs. The title song of the film is sung by famous Bollywood singer Nakkash Aziz while there is also an item song to add on the Entertainment factor.
Vinod Dulganchs first Hindi film *Ab Yeh Galtiyaan Na Ho* was released on 26 March 2021. It also starred Shahbaz Khan, Mushtaq Khan and Sunil Pal in key roles. *Vinod Dulganch* says, "Although I live in Mumbai, I prefer to associate with the people of my village, Alewa in Haryana. I shoot my films in Haryana and give opportunities to local artists to work in the film."
Talking about his journey in the entertainment industry so far, "My journey in the film world of Mumbai has been quite a struggle. While acting on the Ramlila stage and drama party in Haryana, I became obsessed with working in films and moved to Mumbai. After many years of continuous struggle, I have now made a different identity for myself."
Vinod Dulganch has been honored with Mahatma Gandhi Ratna Award 2021 in Mumbai by Gajendra Chauhan. He is an entrepreneur as well a social worker and was on the front foot, helping needy during lockdown amid pandemic. His upcoming films include Sushmita, Kichad, Singhu Border. His OTT platform Desi Bull is also coming soon, in which web series and music videos will be released.
V&V Entertainment Announces Release Date of 'Tijju Bhai' as 29th October 2021