Client Says Addiction Treatment at Magnolia Recovery Care “Truly Changed My Life”

Client Says Addiction Treatment at Magnolia Recovery Care “Truly Changed My Life”



Los Angeles, Jan. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Los Angeles, California -

Los Angeles, California — Calling his rehab a life-changing experience, a California man has left an extensive five-star Google review of Magnolia Recovery and its parent network, TruPath Recovery.

“First of all, I could not possibly be more thrilled about Magnolia and Trupath Recovery,” wrote Kyle, the successful graduate of Magnolia’s addiction treatment program in Los Angeles. “The experience during my stay was fantastic and truly changed my life.”

Magnolia Recovery is part of TruPath Recovery’s nationwide network of treatment programs for people struggling with substance abuse and alcohol addiction. It specializes in detox and residential treatments, with aftercare and follow-up to complete the journey from addiction to long-term sobriety. Programs take a holistic approach that heals the whole person, not just the addiction, using strategies that include medical care, therapeutic counseling, nutrition education, family dynamics work, regular exercise and spiritual development.

Magnolia’s mission is to honor each client as an individual and to guide as many people as possible through every level of care, including support after completing the recovery program, to help them discover a fulfilling life free from chemical dependency.

Kyle praised the highly individualized nature of the program. “Every aspect of the treatment I received there was geared towards me and my recovery,” he wrote in his review. “The facility was clean, comfortable and I had everything I needed to support me on my journey to sobriety.”

Customized care is a critical aspect of the treatment at Magnolia, which is designed to get clients working on their recovery goals within their first few days of treatment. In addition, Magnolia believes successful treatment includes a comfortable and safe environment, so it provides a peaceful atmosphere where clients can focus fully on their recovery.

At Magnolia, the recovery journey begins with medically supervised detox, which helps clients overcome withdrawal symptoms and start the process of healing. The next step is residential recovery, offering a wide range of services customized for the individual. At this stage, the focus is on helping the client take responsibility for their recovery by providing the education, support and tools needed for long-term success.

After completing residential treatment, the client has several options for continued care. If outpatient treatment is deemed necessary, the client can be admitted to the Partial Hospitalization or Intensive Outpatient program, which help the client transition to everyday life while remaining under supervision. If their treatment team believes they are ready, they can leave treatment but get continued support and guidance through Magnolia’s Aftercare program.

Treatment is delivered by a highly experienced, thoroughly-credentialed treatment team that includes licensed therapists, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors who have worked in the field for five to twenty years. Some Magnolia clients maintain contact with the facility for years after completing their program.

“I have spoken with some people that went to other treatment and recovery facilities, where they felt as if they were merely a dollar sign,” Kyle wrote in his review. “This is NOT one of these places! ALL of the staff was so pleasant and really, genuinely have a passion to help us who are struggling with this disease. All of the details (billing, leave from my job, aftercare, etc.) were handled for me by the fantastic technicians, nurses, therapists, case managers and counselors, so I could put all of my focus into getting better.”

“I could go on and on,” he concluded, “but I just want to express how thrilled I am that I chose Trupath (and Magnolia).”

For individualized care of alcohol or drug addiction for oneself or a loved one, visit Magnolia Recovery of LA or call 747-307-6948.


For more information about Magnolia Recovery Care Los Angeles Alcohol & Drug Rehab, contact the company here:

Magnolia Recovery Care Los Angeles Alcohol & Drug Rehab
(818) 450-3511
12400 Magnolia Blvd, Valley Village, CA 91607

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