Non-Lethal Weapons Market Size to Reach $9.28 Billion, Globally, by 2028 at 6.1% CAGR with Kinetic and Mechanical Segment Driving Growth During 2021-2028 | Report by The Insight Partners

Non-Lethal Weapons Market Size to Reach $9.28 Billion, Globally, by 2028 at 6.1% CAGR with Kinetic and Mechanical Segment Driving Growth During 2021-2028 | Report by The Insight Partners



North America held the largest market share of the global non-lethal weapons market was valued at USD 2.13 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 3.05 billion by 2028; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period. The global non-lethal weapons industry growth is driven by rising acquisition of non-lethal weapons and integration of advanced technologies with non-lethal weapons.

Pune, India, Aug. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Insight Partners published latest research study on “Non-Lethal Weapons Market Size Report, Share, Revenue, Growth Strategy, Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028 - COVID-19 Impact and by Technology, Product Type, Application, and Geography”, the non-lethal weapons market is projected to reach USD 9.28 billion by 2028 from USD 6.15 billion in 2021; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2021 to 2028. The increasing global focus on human rights and minimizing civilian casualties, and rise in territorial conflicts globally. However, the declining defense budgets of advanced economies is expected hinder the growth of the market. 


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*Availability of Technologically Advanced Solutions Provides Lucrative Opportunities for Non-Lethal Weapons Market:*

Technological advancements can potentially revolutionize the capabilities and effectiveness of non-lethal weapon systems, opening up new avenues for market growth and expansion. Firstly, advanced technologies allow the development of more precise and accurate non-lethal weapons. This improves the overall effectiveness and reduces the risk of unintended harm or collateral damage. Enhanced accuracy enables security forces to target specific individuals or areas more precisely, minimizing the potential for civilian casualties and optimizing operational outcomes. Manufacturers offering technologically advanced non-lethal weapons with improved accuracy have a competitive advantage. Secondly, technological advancements contribute to developing non-lethal weapons with extended-range capabilities. Longer-range systems allow security forces to engage targets from a safer distance, reducing the need to approach potentially dangerous situations closely. This enhances the safety of law enforcement personnel and provides greater operational flexibility. Non-lethal weapons with extended-range capabilities are particularly valuable in riot control, border security, and large-scale public events.

Furthermore, advancements in materials and engineering contribute to the development of lightweight and portable non-lethal weapons. Lighter weight systems increase the mobility and maneuverability of security forces, enabling quick responses to dynamic situations. Portability is particularly advantageous in scenarios where agility and rapid deployment are essential, such as urban environments or remote locations. Manufacturers that can offer compact and lightweight non-lethal weapon systems have a competitive edge in meeting the evolving needs of end-users. Moreover, technological advancements enable the integration of non-lethal weapons with other defense and security systems. This integration enhances situational awareness and improves the overall effectiveness of security operations. For example, non-lethal weapons can be integrated with surveillance systems, drones, or unmanned vehicles to provide real-time intelligence and support decision-making processes. Integrating non-lethal technologies with complementary systems creates comprehensive security solutions and expands the market opportunities for manufacturers.

The United States has emerged as a leader in the global non-lethal weapons market, primarily due to several factors contributing to its dominant position. Firstly, the United States has a highly developed and sophisticated defense industry, with major manufacturers and suppliers of non-lethal weapons. These companies possess extensive expertise in developing advanced technologies and solutions for law enforcement and military applications. Their strong research and development capabilities and significant investments enable them to produce cutting-edge non-lethal weapon systems that meet the specific requirements of various operational scenarios. Secondly, the United States has a large and diverse law enforcement community, including federal, state, and local agencies. The demand for non-lethal weapons within this extensive network is substantial, as these tools offer effective alternatives to traditional firearms while upholding human rights and minimizing civilian casualties. The United States strongly emphasizes maintaining public safety and accountability, and non-lethal weapons align with these principles.

Furthermore, the United States faces various security challenges, including urban unrest, protests, and border control issues. Non-lethal weapons have proven valuable tools in addressing these challenges by providing security forces with the means to effectively control and disperse crowds, handle hostile situations, and maintain public order without resorting to lethal force. Moreover, the United States has a robust legal framework governing the use of force, which supports the adoption and responsible use of non-lethal weapons. Strict regulations and guidelines ensure that law enforcement personnel receive appropriate training in using these tools, emphasizing the importance of minimizing harm and adhering to human rights standards. This legal environment encourages the integration of non-lethal weapons into operational procedures, further driving the market growth in the country. The United States leadership in the non-lethal weapons market is also reinforced by its active involvement in research and development activities. Academic institutions, research organizations, and government agencies collaborate to advance non-lethal technologies and explore innovative solutions. This focus on innovation and technological advancements enhances the United States' position as a market leader.


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*Global Non-Lethal Weapons Market: Segmental Overview*

Based on technology, the non-lethal weapons market is segmented into chemical, acoustic, electromagnetic, and kinetic and mechanical. The kinetic and mechanical segment held the largest share of the market in 2020, whereas the electromagnetic segment is anticipated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period. By product, the non-lethal weapons market share is bifurcated into direct contact weapons and directed energy weapon. The direct contact weapons segment held the largest share of the non-lethal weapons market in 2020, whereas the directed energy weapons segment and is anticipated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period. By application, the non-lethal weapons market size is segmented into law enforcement agencies, military, and personalized applications. The law enforcement agencies segment held the largest share of the market in 2020, whereas the military segment is estimated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period.


*Global Non-Lethal Weapons Market Analysis: Competitive Landscape and Key Developments*

BAE Systems; Combined Systems, Inc.; Condor Non-Lethal Technologies; FN Herstal; Lamperd, Inc.; Mission Less Lethal Technologies; NonLethal Technologies, Inc.; PepperBall Technologies, Inc.; Raytheon Company; and Safariland, LLC are a few of the key companies operating in the non-lethal weapons market. The market leaders focus on new product launches, expansion and diversification, and acquisition strategies, which allow them to access prevailing business opportunities.

In February 2021, San Jose (California, US) police announced the introduction of less-lethal weapons in place of guns, rubber bullets, and batons for crowd control. The weapons introduced include new TASER models, pepper gel, and tether launchers that can be used to restrain aggressors.

In 2021, Rheinmetall presented the product called Spectac, which is an innovation for a new non-lethal effector. This rectangular stun grenade is specially designed for military and law enforcement special operators. The product is waterproof at depths of up to 20 meters.


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