Revolutionizes Online Trading with New Premium Features Revolutionizes Online Trading with New Premium Features



*LONDON, UK / ACCESSWIRE / December 11, 2023 /*, a leading online trading platform, is set to transform the trading environment with its latest innovative features that combine technology and ethics to create a favorable marketplace for traders and elevate the industry. The latest updates aim to improve the trading experience by providing better tools and resources to navigate the financial markets.

Like any other skill, Forex trading requires dedication and competence. A well thought out strategy, consideration of macroeconomic factors, solid discipline and an appropriate mindset are all necessary for success. However, the emergence of social trading is completely changing this picture, bringing companies like Kibrex into play, which combine social data with artificial intelligence to provide investors with numerous benefits. is an advanced automated forex trading platform that expertly analyzes over 100,000 customer trading accounts. Its artificial intelligence generates trading strategies based on the most profitable trades, acting as a sophisticated advisor with a powerful AI core.

*Disclosing's distinctive strategy*

At the heart of's work is an innovative approach to social forex, offering users continuous insight into the market. Going beyond conventional analysis, harnesses the wisdom of over 100,000 experienced traders, using data from their online accounts to determine market sentiment and trajectory.

In addition,'s sophisticated deep learning algorithm examines huge data sets to identify the best trading opportunities. By integrating Expert Advisor with well-known platforms such as MetaTrader 4 (MT4) or MetaTrader 5 (MT5), even beginners can succeed by avoiding complex analysis and relying on the experience of veteran traders.

Founded in 2008, shows monthly profits in line with historical data, aiming to equip traders to win and navigate the confusing paths of forex trading.

*Unlocking Value: Benefits for every market player* can be the perfect platform to up your financial game, whether you're a trader, investor or financial institution. Here is an overview of how every market player can utilize the opportunities offered by

Investors: Since its inception in 2008, has consistently demonstrated noteworthy monthly profitability. Investors can watch their assets grow thanks to an advanced automated trading system that reduces the need for constant monitoring. In addition, investments are protected from potential dips to a predetermined maximum with the help of a protective insurance layer.

Traders: Regardless of trading experience, offers a path to increased efficiency. The platform's sophisticated artificial intelligence-based algorithms not only accelerate trading, but also provide users with access to the collective knowledge and invaluable experience of the vast community of traders on the platform.

Financial Institutions:'s extensive collection of real-time and historical trading data is an excellent resource for institutions looking to strengthen their position in the competitive world of currencies.

*The Future of*

With its unique capabilities, has the potential to become the leading automated social trading platform. Its notable monthly profitability is the result of the company's skill in analyzing over 100,000 trading accounts and converting them into applicable methods using artificial intelligence algorithms.'s reputation is backed by international regulation, user-friendly interface and recognition by numerous market analysts.


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