Marvel Civil War II sale takes up to 67% off digital graphic novels from $1

Marvel Civil War II sale takes up to 67% off digital graphic novels from $1



ComiXology today is kicking off its latest sale, this time discounting a selection of Marvel’s Civil War II graphic novels and single issue reads from under* $1*. One standout is on the self-titled Civil War II at *$5.99*. Typically fetching $15, today’s offer saves you 60% and matches the all-time low on a digital copy. This 315-page graphic novel is a must-read for fans of the MCU, especially those eager to see what happens when the Inhumans finally join the franchise next year. It’s a follow-up to the iconic clash of superhero titans in the original Marvel Civil War, but with newer faces like Captain Marvel this time around. Head below for all of our other highlights from the Civil War II sale and more.


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