Is This a Hint Windows 11 Could Launch on October 20?



Microsoft has already confirmed that Windows 11 is projected to land in the fall of the year, but no further specifics have been provided until now. But a set of official Windows 11 screenshots that made its way to the web via reddit seems to suggest that Microsoft could launch the new operating system on October 20. While this could very well be just wishful thinking, the screenshot that you also here comes with the Windows clock set to 11:11, while the date is October 20, 2021. The timing seems to align with Microsoft’s typical Windows release calendar, as the company usually rolls out major Windows updates in the fall, either in October or in November. And even if October 20 isn’t the ETA of Windows 11, the operating system should still see the daylight during one of these months, with Microsoft likely to provide a confirmation as we approach the planned launch. ...

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