Logitech’s slick pro-grade Sona dynamic podcast XLR mic now $70 off at $280

Logitech’s slick pro-grade Sona dynamic podcast XLR mic now $70 off at $280



Today we are tracking a notable price drop on the Logitech Sona Active Dynamic XLR Microphone at $279.99 shipped in black. This model launched in late 2022 as one of the brand’s flagship streaming and podcasting solutions at $350. It has only seen a handful of price drops since then, with today’s offer landing as the second-lowest we have tracked, the best deal of the year, and the lowest total since early 2023.  As you’ll know from our hands-on review, the Sona delivers a modern, pro-grade microphone solution for streaming, broadcasting, podcasting, and vocals of just about any sort. It features a modern design with smooth lines and a sort of futuristic aesthetic alongside a ClearAmp active preamp and a dual-diaphragm dynamic capsule “that delivers smooth low end and superb detail while rejecting unwanted noise and hum.” Head below for more details. 


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