Seablip Preview (PC)

Seablip Preview (PC)



The parrot-powered bombing run is ruinous, especially for a ship like mine, with limited upgrades and just two sailors other than my character, the captain. So, I decide that discretion is the better part of valor and flee from battle. We live to fight another day and until then we’ll explore the sea, find interesting islands, and discover ways to get some gold. The waters aren’t calm. All ships are ready to fight and most of them have superior firepower. And the fluffy clouds that cover the water often hide obstacles. I’ve already drowned twice after hitting rocks and ice. I should be finding out more about a letter, but I like the exploration more. I plan to uncover the entire map and get a clear understanding of where danger lurks and where the sea is more open. Then I’ll get a few upgrades, especially for the cannon, to make sure I no longer need to escape when I bump into another vessel. Seablip was created by solo developer Jardar Solli and it's published by...

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