Chris Cuomo Apologizes to CNN, But Defends Decision to Advise His Brother on Sexual Harassment Claims (Video)

Chris Cuomo Apologizes to CNN, But Defends Decision to Advise His Brother on Sexual Harassment Claims (Video)

The Wrap


CNN news anchor Chris Cuomo apologized for putting CNN in a “bad spot” by advising his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, on how to handle allegations of sexual harassment.

“I put my colleagues here, who I believe are the best in the business, in a bad spot. I never intended for that, I would never intent for that, and I’m sorry for that,” Chris said during Thursday night’s episode of his show.

He continued, “I told you back in March, I couldn’t cover my brother’s troubles, it wouldn’t be fair. Now today there are stories about me offering my brother advice. Of course I do, this is no revelation,” he said. “I can be objective about just about any topic, but not my family. I’m family first, job second.”

“I know where the line is. I can respect it and still be there for my family,” he added.

The Washington Post was first to report that Chris Cuomo had sat in on “strategy calls” with his brother Andrew on how to handle and reply to allegations he’d sexually harassed six women, some of whom were staffers. Andrew has resisted calls to resign from his post as governor of New York.

“How I helped my brother also matters,” Chris said. “I understand why that was a problem for CNN. It was a mistake because I put my colleagues here, who I believe are the best in the business, in a bad spot. I never intended for that, I would never intend for that, and I’m sorry for that.”

According to the Washington Post, Chris Cuomo used the phrase “‘cancel culture’ as a reason to hold firm in the face of allegations.”

Check out the clip at the top of the page.

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