America is no exception; nobody remains first forever

America is no exception; nobody remains first forever



It is becoming clear that America can no longer maintain its status as the only superpower in the world. In the economic field, China has moved ahead of America. In the military field, Russia is moving ahead. America is proving to be no exception to the rule that countries rise and fall, and America cannot stay in first place forever. Therefore, the notions of American Exceptionalism and America First are proving wrong. The Chinese economy is expected to surpass the American economy this year. The reason for this is that because of the corona pandemic, the American economy is going to contract this year. The American dollar is losing its value compared to the Chinese Renminbi. Russia now has the most advanced weapons in the world. Russia's Hypersonic weapons such as 3M22 Zircon fly so fast and low that they can penetrate a traditional anti-missile defense system. President Putin has claimed that Russia's hypersonic weapons are the most advanced in the world. President Trump says that Russia stole the technology at the time of Obama's Presidency. However, Russia already had this technology at the time of the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union. This treaty was signed in 1972. President Obama was 11 years old at that time. It looks like different centers of power are emerging and the unipolar world is changing into a multipolar world.

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