Dr. Giuseppe De Donno: A strange suicide

Dr. Giuseppe De Donno: A strange suicide



There are events that are real thunderbolts from the blue and that leave those who become aware of them astonished and puzzled. Among these, there is certainly the apparent suicide of Dr. Giuseppe De Donno who, according to police reports, committed suicide by hanging himself on July 27th. Who was Giuseppe De Donno? It is a name that will say nothing to many Italians with short memories and even less to a foreign, and yet Dr. De Donno was the first light of hope in the darkest time of 2020, when the coronavirus epidemic was sweeping Italy and it seemed that our end was behind the corner. Giuseppe De Donno was a physician, chief of pneumology at the "Carlo Poma" hospital in Mantua. Deeply religious. Catholic. It was evident that he felt the ethical weight of his profession. He had struggled to find a way to save Covid patients, driven by his convictions and the duty imposed by his medical oath.

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