Exposure to Flame Retardant Causes Extreme IQ Loss in Children, Study Says
Exposure to Flame Retardant Causes Extreme IQ Loss in Children, Study Says

Exposure to Flame Retardant Causes Extreme IQ Loss in Children, Study Says A recent study published in 'Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology' has found a link between flame retardants and the loss of IQ points in children.

Children in the United States were found to have lost a total of 162 million IQ points due to flame retardants between 2001 and 2016.

According to Leo Trasande, co-author of the study, these pollutant are “hit-and-run” chemicals, meaning once the damage has been done, there’s no reversing it.

Leo Trasande, to ‘Business Insider’ The study estimates that each individual IQ point is worth approximately two percent of a child’s lifetime economic productivity.

This means that, if over the course of their lifetime a child could potentially make $1 million, each lost IQ point is worth $20,000.

Leo Trasande, to ‘Business Insider’ Although some states have legislation restricting the use of flame retardants in products such as furniture, carpeting and children’s toys, there is currently no federal ban on the chemicals.

Trasande suggests parents act “proactively as consumers” by opening windows, vacuuming frequently and avoiding items that contain polyurethane foam.