Dem Rep 'Very Discouraged' by GOP Rhetoric on Coronavirus Aid Package
Dem Rep 'Very Discouraged' by GOP Rhetoric on Coronavirus Aid Package

After passing an $8.3 billion aid package, Democrats this week proposed a plan late Wednesday night to expand financial safety nets, as Rep.

Katherine Clark (D-Mass.

5th District) described it.

The plan would also make coronavirus testing free and more widely available in an attempt to stall the spread of the illness by covering those who can't afford to seek out healthcare.

However, Some GOP leaders have indicated they do not support a paid leave portion of the plan and changes to Medicaid to help cover the costs of the uninsured.

"If the Republicans are serious about their oath of office and protecting the American people, they will join with us," Rep.

Clark told Cheddar on Thursday morning.

"I am very discouraged at the rhetoric from some of the leaders on the Republican side of the aisle calling this package partisan."