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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Netflix to start canceling inactive members

Credit: WXXV
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Netflix to start canceling inactive members
Netflix to start canceling inactive members

Netflix says it will start asking its inactive users if they want to keep their membership.

Day annually.

- - have you ghosted your netflix - account?- soon, the subscription service- might be the one giving - you the old, "it's not you, it' me" line.

Netflix says it will start- asking its inactive users if- they- want to keep their membership.- if they don't want it, or if- - - - they don't respond, the company- will automatically cancel their- service.- netflix officials say it's an - effort to prevent people from - paying for something they're no- using.- netflix will start sending out- emails or in app notifications- this week.- the inactive accounts represent- less than half of one - percent of their overall member- base.

- netflix is coming off one of it- strongest quarters ever,- which saw its subscriber base - surge as the coronavirus- pandemic forced people to stay-

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