5 Films That Explore Black Lives and Systemic Racism
5 Films That Explore Black Lives and Systemic Racism

5 Films That Explore Black Lives and Systemic Racism These films help to provide insight into how black lives have been impacted by white authority.


'Boyz N the Hood' (1991) John Singleton's semi-autobiographical debut depicted what it's like to live in a world where doing something as simple as going to the corner store could get you killed.


'Do The Right Thing' (1989) Spike Lee wrote, starred in and directed this film that results in a black man being killed by the NYPD.


'Selma' (2014) This film revolves around the Voting Rights Act of 1965, featuring the march on Bloody Sunday and various events leading up to it.


'Queen & Slim' (2019) This film depicts an African American couple who is pulled over by a racist police officer on the way home from a first date.


'Harriet' (2019) This biopic chronicles famed abolitionist Harriet Tubman's story after joining the Underground Railroad.