Millennials, this avocado hack is honestly better than owning a house
Millennials, this avocado hack is honestly better than owning a house

When TikTok user kmag1 captioned her fourth-ever upload with “BEST.



EVER.” she was not messing around.“It’s not a dance, it’s not a perfect lip sync, it’s how to save half of an avocado,” kmag1 explains.Kmag1 stores her avocado by filling the bottom of the Tupperware with water and depositing the avocado half face-down.In her follow-up TikTok, she pulls the avocado out 24 hours later and it looks almost exactly the same.For the most part, people were just stunned by how aesthetically beautiful kmag1’s avocado was.kmag1 did an experiment with suggestions she got in the comments and found that oil worked slightly better than water