Drinking Habits To Avoid for a Healthier Heart
Drinking Habits To Avoid for a Healthier Heart

Drinking Habits To Avoid , for a Healthier Heart.

When it comes to heart health, experts say it's important to avoid certain beverages.

When it comes to heart health, experts say it's important to avoid certain beverages.

You don't have to be perfect, but making better choices more often than bad ones will reward you many times over in terms of health, Elizabeth Klodas, MD, FACC, chief medical officer and founder of Step One Foods, via 'Eat This, Not That'.

Here are a few beverages to avoid drinking regularly:.



Soda contains empty calories and has zero nutritional value.


The added sugar in soda can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure and obesity.


Fruit Juice.

You'd think that fruit juice would be a quality source of antioxidants and vitamins, but that's not always true.


Just make sure to check the label.

Many fruit juices are loaded with sugar.

[Fruit juices] act more like a sugary soda inside our bodies than a piece of fruit.

, Elizabeth Klodas, MD, FACC, chief medical officer and founder of Step One Foods, via 'Eat This, Not That'.



It's important to consume alcohol moderately.

Too much alcohol too often can cause a myriad of health issues.

It can increase the risk of stroke, liver failure and multiple types of cancer