Dexter Van Zile: PsyOps Against Israel in the U.S.
Dexter Van Zile: PsyOps Against Israel in the U.S.

The word psyops is most often used in describing crazy conspiracy theories, but there's actually psychological warfare being conducted on U.S. soil right now – and it's not a theory.

Joining us today is Dexter Van Zile, Christian Media Analyst for CAMERA, and he describes what happened to him during a Students for Palestine rally at the University of Massachusetts campus in Boston.

A few days later, a rabbi in Boston was stabbed 8 times.

There's a degradation of civility in the U.S. and a significant part of that is aimed at Jews and supporters of Israel.

This psychological, and at times physically violent, warfare is a result of untrue narratives being perpetuated throughout the media and in the education system.