Media Embarrass Themselves Trying to Put a Positive Spin on SOTU | Direct Message | Rubin Report
Media Embarrass Themselves Trying to Put a Positive Spin on SOTU | Direct Message | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about the mainstream media reactions to Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech, Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre antics, and Kamala Harris’ explanation of the Russia Ukraine crisis in layman's terms. First, Dave gives a brief summary of the State of the Union address before diving into some of the State of the Union reactions from the media.

Van Jones was in awe of Biden’s “unity message”, while Andrea Mitchell and her NBC News co-hosts hilariously tried to decipher Biden’s cryptic “Go get ‘em” finale.

Chuck Todd expressed his fears that the speech wouldn’t age well, while Stephanie Ruhle attacked Republican responses for mentioning inflation too much.

Finally, a clip of Kamala Harris dumbing down the Ukraine crisis as if she is explaining the Ukraine vs.

Russia conflict to a 3-year old.