Great Dilemma: Did America Help Start a War that It Won’t Help Win? An Interview with Neil McCabe
Great Dilemma: Did America Help Start a War that It Won’t Help Win? An Interview with Neil McCabe

March 4 marks the 8th day of #Russia ’s invasion of #Ukraine .

During these 8 days, we have seen the bravery of the Ukrainian people, increasing damage of the war and less and less discriminatory actions from the Russians.

However, what we can’t see clearly is the way out of this catastrophe.

Will Russia lose the war?

If not, how is this going to end?

What is #Putin 's endgameAnd when we talk about how it is going to end we also need to talk about how it all started, was it avoidable in the first place?

Today, I had these discussions with Neil McCabe, he is the national political editor for The Star News Network, and a media fellow at the Washington-based Gold Institute for International Strategies.

Mr. McCabe is a veteran of the Iraq War, where he deployed for 15 months as a combat historian.