The Jesse Rucinski Show Episode 176 - Scapegoated Again
The Jesse Rucinski Show Episode 176 - Scapegoated Again

Today, I am going to discuss all of the scapegoating that is going on when it comes to Russia and more importantly one party of our government.

Anyone that actually pays attention knows this.

Whether it has been 'Russian Collusion' to cost people elections, to supply chain issues, gas prices, and now they're even being blamed for all of the inflation happening in our country.

I don't get how people just parrot this lunacy when they hear it, but we have all seen them doing exactly that.

I am going to get into some history and numbers today so show how things happen, when they happen, and what some of the actual numbers are on some of these topics.

There is a lot of good information so make sure to check it out.