Edward Snowden: "Your Devices are the Tools of Governments & Intelligence Agencies!" 💻📱🔎👀
Edward Snowden: "Your Devices are the Tools of Governments & Intelligence Agencies!" 💻📱🔎👀

Your browsing history, social media, cell phone and computer all spy on you, creating permanent records of your life, habits, ideas, interests, transactions, communications, while mapping your locations.

Technology may have made life easier in the personal sense, yet in the broader global sense; this information is invaluable to corporations, governments and intelligence agencies looking to predict patterns, behaviors and responses from the general public.

On the individual level, this data can be used to track anyone just about anywhere, while maintaining a system of control at the fingertips of those in power.

This is not simply a mere biproduct of our technology, but purposely and willfully integrated into all our devices by companies like Google and Apple.

There is no greater tool in the State arsenal than your devices and data.