One-Legged Man Powers With Electric Wheelchair Royal Cornhill Hospital
One-Legged Man Powers With Electric Wheelchair Royal Cornhill Hospital

One-Legged Man Powers With Electric Wheelchair Royal Cornhill Hospital on Friday Vendredi 3rd or third June Juin 2022 MXXII while a group of young people loiter outside the main Clarkseat building one youth smoking also soft drink consumption appears to be taking place in the hospital car park.

No monitoring by health staff or security staff in any case about what is happening in hospital grounds on private property and NHS Grampian has a no smoking policy within its hospital sites.

Just outside hospital grounds on Berryden road, busy with traffic a man of youthful appearance skateboards on the road due to the pavement a safer path being very narrow.

Skateboarding can be fast, frantic without brakes also - accidents and injuries can happen although sometimes when people fall off bikes they do not experience injury, but it is often a different story during periods of harsh weather such as snow and ice.

Ice can mean people sliping and sliding flailing arms around uncontrollably also other limbs and breaking limbs also.