christian children (original Bluewater description with my comments added)
christian children (original Bluewater description with my comments added)

(Note: All of a sudden when CH21 needs money to vacation with Bluewater and Linda Paris in the USA this summer, they are now so concerned with the vaxx injured children and I guess your money donated through, “Buy Me a Coffee”, will end up in care of RFK Jr towards the “Children’s Health Defense”.

Yes, a noble cause, but why choose that one and why now, not long before this point if you were so concerned for the children?

RFK Jr. is a Democrat candidate going against Trump and Trump’s policies and was once quoted stating, “climate change ‘deniers’ should be in jail”.

How do you think RFK Jr is going to raise some of his campaign $$$?

Secondly, what does democrat RFK Jr. got to do with Trump and Q?

Are they confusing RFK Jr. to Trump’s connection to JFK Jr???