Rescuing a cat with severe scabies and no hope of survival
Rescuing a cat with severe scabies and no hope of survival

Rescuing a 5 or 6 month old cat from severe scabies.

She was just thrown here to die, in a place where she could not possibly survive and where no-one would help or treat her.

This is just after seeing how well Toby was doing after his rescue - we actually discovered a cat that was in worse shape than him.

She is also badly malnourished and seriously underweight - she may have other underlying problems.... I let her have some water and food before bringing her home - she probably hadn't had either for quite some time.

We started her treatment for the scabies as soon as I got her home, and after being given anti-inflammatories to make her feel more comfortable - she slept.

This may be the first propter rest she has had in a while.