How Climate Change Activism is Starving the Poor – E. Calvin Beisner
How Climate Change Activism is Starving the Poor – E. Calvin Beisner

Is Human Caused Climate Change (HCCC) activism a religious cult?

It has become popular these days to apply the epithet “cult” at any group with whom someone may have ideological disagreement.

Sometimes it is accurate, sometimes it is not.

The American Enterprise Institute published “The climate change cult: 10 warning signs” in 2019.

It does appear that the HCCC is a religious movement with a priestly class that insists on spending other people’s money (taxpayers).

An Opinion by Douglas MacKinnon is “Climate extremists are afraid to debate.

Maybe they should be.” Instead HCCC activists work to silence any who dare to question their doctrine.

Are HCCC activists more than willing to sacrifice humans on the altar of their belief system?

Perhaps we can get an idea by asking how do their doctrinal claims impact the poor?