Ep. 494 - Technology App BARK Allows Parents to Monitor Kids’ Online Activities - Titania Jordan
Ep. 494 - Technology App BARK Allows Parents to Monitor Kids’ Online Activities - Titania Jordan

The online world holds many dangers for kids today, and nobody is more aware of just how potent these dangers are than Titania Jordan.

Titania is the Parenting Officer of BARK Technologies, an online technology app and software that gives parents the ability to monitor their kids’ online activity across all devices.

Titania talks about the dangers of anime and digital media, and how parents can take comprehensive steps to protect their little ones’ minds from being exposed to inappropriate content on the Internet.

She explains, “All anime shows are cartoons, but not all cartoons are anime.” Don’t assume that an anime cartoon is safe for kids.

They usually are not.

Don’t let your kids have unmonitored access to digital media.