Unrestricted Invasion 20231120: 50K Chinese illegals, Vagrants Vanish, J6 Vids, Naomi Klein?
Unrestricted Invasion 20231120: 50K Chinese illegals, Vagrants Vanish, J6 Vids, Naomi Klein?

Tonight DailyClout Unrestricted Invasion hosts Brian O'Shea & JJ Carrell will discuss the FY 2023 Number Totals for Chinese Nationals that have come across the border & what this could mean.

They will also go over the J6 Tapes & try to apply their experience of JJ's crowd control and Brian's VIP/event/facility security with what is seen inside the Capital on the recently released tapes.

& yes, Naomi Wolf responds to Naomi Klein's bizarre reputation attack on Dr Wolf in the form of a published book.

But don't ask what Brian thinks...he's working on his "mindfulness".