FEMA’s Sinister Plans for Americans When Next ‘Disease X’ Pandemic Hits - DeAnna Lorraine
FEMA’s Sinister Plans for Americans When Next ‘Disease X’ Pandemic Hits - DeAnna Lorraine

The Covid pandemic was a test run of bigger and more tyrannical things to come, and DeAnna Lorraine is on a mission to warn people about what to expect.

DeAnna is a political correspondent and former California congressional candidate who became concerned with the effects of Marxism and globalism on the United States.

She is passionate about revealing the truth about the bad actors manipulating every modern crisis, including COVID-19 and the prospective pandemics to come.

DeAnna warns about the “internment camps” that FEMA has been building for decades and says that they will be used to lead “the sheep to slaughter” under the guise of keeping us safe from whatever disease they create to cause the catastrophe.