NAACP Only White Leader Rachel Dolezal She Identify As Black Trans Woman Today
NAACP Only White Leader Rachel Dolezal She Identify As Black Trans Woman Today

This Highlights A Good Point White Rachel Dolezal So I Identify As Black.

You can’t do a spray tan and curl your hair and think that’s all it takes to be black.

Similarly, being a woman isn’t boiled down to throwing on a red lip and a pretty dress.

You can play dress up all you want, but you can never truly become something you are not.

Self acceptance and self love is what everyone needs.

Cultural appropriation is the adoption of elements of one culture by members of a different cultural group, especially if the adoption is of an oppressed people's cultural elements by members of the dominant culture.

She can be passionate about black issues and African American history and the black experience as a Caucasian woman.

She honestly just has some inner self hatred that has become a rejection of her race.