"SCOTUS ReEeview, Safety LAST, Schwab Immortality" 3/4/24
"SCOTUS ReEeview, Safety LAST, Schwab Immortality" 3/4/24

The Supreme Court repelled the attempt by some states to exclude Donald Trump from the ballot in November, so we are going to sift through some salty goodness from reddit and elsewhere.

Then I am going to take a few minutes to read a great Substack article ( https://barsoom.substack.com/p/safety-last ) about the effect that "Safety First" has had on our civilization.

We'll talk about what you think are good modern safety considerations (if any), and talk about the most dangerous games/activities you played growing up.

We'll end with calls and some questions I had for the audience about this "leaked" Klaus Schwab clip of him talking up digital immortality to a room of young WEF recruits.