BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 5/20/2024 Lilyana Hearing, Jeff Buongiorno, Stefanie Lambert
BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 5/20/2024 Lilyana Hearing, Jeff Buongiorno, Stefanie Lambert

8am LIVE Hearing of Lilyana Rose - Live broadcast of Lilyana Rose.

Lilyana is the child kidnapped by CPs in the state of Tennessee.

Her dad, J6er Tom Hamner, and her Mom Steffany Hamner will be joining us today with updates.

The Hamner Family is in need of participation and support from "WE THE PEOPLE" to be a witness to an upcoming Webex court hearing taking pllace on Monday May 20th at 10am MTN time.

The Hamner family is requesting that as many people as possible take part, just by sitting in the audience and listening to the court hearing.