Great Boulder Resources intersects thick gold zones in Blue Poles maiden drilling

Great Boulder Resources intersects thick gold zones in Blue Poles maiden drilling

Proactive Investors


Great Boulder Resources Ltd (ASX:GBR) has confirmed the discovery of new gold mineralisation during maiden reverse circulation (RC) drilling at Blue Poles Prospect within the Whiteheads Gold Project north of Kalgoorlie. Fifteen RC holes were drilled for a total of 1,448 metres in late November to test primary gold mineralisation beneath recent aircore drilling intersections with two holes added to the program to target a lead-zinc prospect west of Blue Poles. The program identified primary mineralisation over a 700 metres strike length, including broad zones of up to 52 metres at 1.02 g/t gold from 28 metres. Lower grade intersections include 28 metres at 0.61 g/t from 32 metres, 29 metres at 0.66 g/t from 68 metres and 42 metres at 0.45 g/t from 28 metres. “Exciting development” Great Boulder managing director Andrew Paterson said: “This is an exciting development at Blue Poles. “There are two key takeaways here: firstly, we’ve identified primary gold over a 700 metres length in our first few RC holes, and it remains open at depth and to the south. “That means the deposit is in-situ and not just a shallow supergene deposit limited to the weathered, near-surface material. “Secondly, these intersections up to 52 metres wide demonstrate the potential for a large mineralised system.” Blue Poles RC drill results Next steps At Whiteheads, a ground gravity survey is expected to begin in late January on the eastern side of the project with data expected to generate additional gold targets and to identify nickel sulphide targets similar to Estrella Resources Ltd’s (ASX:ESR) recent discovery at the Carr Boyd Nickel Project immediately to the north of Whiteheads. A follow-up RC drilling program is planned once the survey is complete. Paterson said: “The next round of drilling will test the true thickness of these zones. “These initial holes are on lines 100 metres apart, so the discovery remains at a very early stage. “We are looking forward to recommencing drilling as soon as possible.” In addition, auger programs are ongoing at both the Whiteheads and Side Well projects, drilling will continue to define zones of gold mineralisation within the Mulga Bill prospect, and a 4,000-metre aircore drilling program is set to commence this week at Side Well.

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