Rooster Talk: Adding more pieces to the Holy Grail - Venture Minerals

Rooster Talk: Adding more pieces to the Holy Grail - Venture Minerals

Proactive Investors


Venture Minerals Ltd (ASX:VMS) is one of my favourite stories where the multi facet projects were the main attraction. This was since October 26, 2020, when we published Coffee with Samso - A Targeted Diversified Mineral Explorer - Venture Minerals Limited (ASX: VMS). I must admit that the Riley's hematite project in Tasmania was never on my radar screen. I wish I had paid more attention to it, as the iron ore price is at an all-time high and what I am seeing is, the economic fundamentals of this sector are looking good for the coming years. There is news that there will be a pull back next year, but I am sticking my neck out here in saying that I do not really see that happening. The world economy has had a 12-month hibernation and as we are gradually coming out of this pandemic, I see economic growth moving rather well. Today, Andrew Radonjic shares with us: 1. The latest update on Riley 2. Sustained Iron ore Price 3. When the first shipment will be 4. What the revenue from the mining operation will mean for Venture Minerals PODCAST About Andrew Radonjic Mr Radonjic is a geologist and mineral economist with over 25 years of experience in mining and exploration, with a specific focus on gold and nickel in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Mr Radonjic began his career at the Agnew Nickel Mine before spending over 15 years in the Paddington, Mount Pleasant and Lady Bountiful Extended operations north of Kalgoorlie. He has fulfilled a variety of senior roles which gave rise to three gold discoveries, totalling in excess of 3 million ounces in resources and the development of over 1 million ounces. About Venture Minerals Limited Venture Minerals Limited is currently exploring in Western Australia for Copper-Lead-Zinc at the Thor Prospect, Nickel-Cobalt at the Pingaring Project (adjacent and along strike to the Quicksilver Nickel-Cobalt discovery), Nickel-Copper (new target) at the Odin Prospect and Nickel-Copper-Cobalt at the Caesar Project. Recently the maiden drilling program at Thor intersected massive sulfides confirming the Copper-Lead-Zinc target is a 20 a kilometre VMS style system. Thor is now a top priority target for Venture moving forward. The Company's initial focus was on realising the full economic potential of the Mount Lindsay Tin-Tungsten Deposit in North-West Tasmania. The Company has already defined one of the world's largest undeveloped tin deposits and has completed a Feasibility Study on Mount Lindsay. The emergence of tin as the metal most impacted by new technology through its use in Electric Vehicles has refocused Venture’s approach to developing this asset and an underground scoping study is currently underway. Please let Samso know your thoughts and send any comments to Remember to Subscribe to the YouTube Channel, Samso Media and the mail list to stay informed and make comments where appropriate. Other than that, also feel free to provide a Review on Google. For further information about Coffee with Samso and Rooster Talks visit: About Samso Samso is a renowned resource among the investment community for keen market analysis and insights into the companies and business trends that matter. Investors seek out Samso for knowledgeable evaluations of current industry developments across a variety of business sectors and considered forecasts of future performances. With a compelling format of relaxed online video interviews, Samso provides clear answers to questions they may not have the opportunity to ask and lays out the big picture to help them complete their investment research. And in doing so, Samso also enables companies featured in interviews to build valuable engagement with their investment communities and customers. Headed by industry veteran Noel Ong and based in Perth, Western Australia, Samso’s Coffee with Samso and Rooster Talk interviews both feature friendly conversations with business figures that give insights into Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) companies, related concepts and industry trends. Noel Ong is a geologist with nearly 30 years of industry experience and a strong background in capital markets, corporate finance and the mineral resource sector. He was founder and managing director of ASX-listed company Siburan Resources Limited from 2009-2017 and has also been involved in several other ASX listings, providing advice, procuring projects and helping to raise capital. He brings all this experience and expertise to the Samso interviews, where his engaging conversation style creates a relaxed dialogue, revealing insights that can pique investor interest. Noel Ong travels across Australia to record the interviews, only requiring a coffee shop environment where they can be set up. The interviews are posted on Samso’s website and podcasts, YouTube and other relevant online environments where they can be shared among investment communities. Samso also has a track record of developing successful business concepts in the Australasia region and provides bespoke research and counsel to businesses seeking to raise capital and procuring projects for ASX listings. Disclaimer The information contained in this article is the writer’s personal opinion and is provided for information only and is not intended to or nor will it create/induce the creation of any binding legal relations. Read full disclaimer.

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